building ON
Location: 22 Novokuznetskaya Street, Moscow
Status: Concept


Бюро базируется в Москве, но стремится работать как в столице, так и за ее пределами, реализуя принципы качественной долговечной архитектуры в самых разных городах России.
Это главный приоритет в архитектуре команде Borisov Architects.
A five-storey office building is planned to be erected on Novokuznetskaya Street, one of the central transport and pedestrian arteries of Zamoskvorechye district. The building site is located in a block bounded by Novokuznetskaya Street itself and the 1st Novokuznetsky and Vishniakovsky lanes.
Это главный приоритет в архитектуре команде Borisov Architects.
The role of the projected volume is hard to overestimate: the new building is intended to fill the existing gap between the historical buildings and the five-storey buildings of the Soviet period. And this task has found the most direct expression both in the volumetric and artistic solution of the building: its strictly proportioned main façade has been given an individual completion of window portals for each of the five floors.
In fact, as we move upwards from the bottom, the arched openings gradually transform into laconic rectangular ones, and the arcade arising along the building at street level turns into an elegant pergola on the top floor, covering the summer terraces. The courtyard façade of the building is designed similarly, while the side facades are treated as firewalls. The choice of architectural concrete as a cladding material gives the building's facades an accentuated materiality and durability.
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